DXsoft Produkte /
CwType / Revisions-Geschichte
CwType Änderung- und Freigabeanmerkungen
Text auf Deutsch kommt bald.
A workaround of the RTS line control error in the Microsoft USB CDC driver (usbser.sys) was made.
The AvrKey interface is supported now.
This interface is especially designed for using with CwType.
You can build it using cheap Arduino Nano clone and few another components.
The option Setup > Interface > Message Channel was made.
The option Setup > Interface > Mox & Paddle > Send whole word omly was made.
Inter-letter space (ILS) value can be changed with step of 0.25 dot now.
A bug with configuration saving (if COM17...COM25 port is used) was fixed.
A bug in the Put Time Marks to a Capture File option was fixed.
Rig switching (SO2R support) works with WinKey interface now.
Options Setup > Text > Put Time Marks to a Capture File and Setup > Text > Use UTC Time were made.
A bug with manipulation speed saving was fixed.
MOX settings work with WinKey now.
Maximal COM-port number is COM25 now.
Beacon regulator defines not period, but pause between transmissions now.
Some improvements of speed changing macroses handling were made.
WinKey interface is supported now.
Vertical scrollbar in Sent window was made.
CwGet works more correctly at 64-bits systems now.
Documentation was updated.
_ sybmol is used as short space now.
Macroses `[rg1] , `[rg2] , `[rgs] , `[rgr] were made for Single Operator - Two Radio (SO2R) operation support.
Some problems of co-operating with AALog 3.0 were fixed.
The Setup > Interface > MOX & Paddle > Paddle with Dash/Dot memory option was made.
A paddle can be connected to COM-port (and USB/COM converter) now.
CwType can work together with AALog 3.0 now.
CwType can cooperate with another software as COM-server (ActiveX object) now.
Some issues occurred under Windows Vista were fixed.
Default working directory of software is located in Application Data (ProgramData under Vista) in place of Program Files now.
Command line parameter /F can define configuration file name now.
A bug was fixed - PTT didn't work in manipulation via OmniRig mode during sending from AALog or AAtest.
The ~[ab] macrosequence was made - to clear the input window and switch TX, beacon and pause off.
LPT-ports with non-standard addresses (for examples, LPT at PCI-cards) are supported now.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
More convenient input window behavior was made.
Ctrl/+, Ctrl/-, Alt/+, Alt/- keystrokes at main keybourd can be used to change CW speed now.
The Fast Macros Edit window is shown after right mouse button click at macro button now.
The Tx at keyboard, if at least NN symbols are entered option is made in the MOX setup.
The ~[lf] macrosequence can be used to insert a new line (CR+LF) into Input window now. It is transmitted just as space.
A typo error in the Key/PTT port pins setup area was fixed - pin numbers of D6 and D7 outputs of LPT-port were wrote wrong.
Documentation was updated.
Some minor changes were made.
The Setup menu was fully rewritten.
RigExpert interface and control via OmniRig are supported now.
Some minor options were added.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Macrosequences for the CwGet software control were made :
~[rpNN] - to replay last NN seconds;
~[svNN] - to save last NN seconds to a wave file;
~[svpNN] - to save last NN seconds to a wave file and replay it.
These macrosequences work with CwGet 1.39 and later.
CwType can generate sound via soundcard now. Soundcard generated signal has sine
waveform and smooth edges of envelope, so it can be used to form CW signal by SSB transmitter.
Manipulation stability at slow computers was improved.
The Tune command was made.
It sends a continuous key down to tune the transmitter.
Hotkey for this command is Alt-U.
A method to switch beacon from AALog was implemented.
The ButtonsRows, ButtonsColumns, ButtonsHeight parameters
of the [Screen] section
of the CWTYPE.INI file define macros buttons arrangement and size.
Some minor bugs were fixed.
Macrosequences were made:
~[ce] or `[ce] - to clear edit fields;
~[csnt] or `[csnt] - to clear sent symbols window
Macrosequences for increment of numbers in the edit fields were made:
~[nic] or `[nic] - to increment a number in the "Call" field;
~[nir] or `[nir] - to increment a number in the "RST" field;
~[nin] or `[nin] - to increment a number in the "Name" field;
~[nio] or `[nio] - to increment a number in the "Other" field.
Macrosequences for logger control were made:
~[lgc] or `[lgc] - to clear all fields, except "Date", "Band" and "Mode" in the "New QSO" window of the AALog;
~[lgt] or `[lgt] - to set current time and date in the "New QSO" logger window;
~[lgs] or `[lgs] - to save QSO into the log;
~[lgts] or `[lgts] - to set current time and date and save QSO.
The Setup >Use 'Other' Field As menu assigns alternative meaning to
"Other" edit field. This meaning is used to catch words from CwGet and to
transfer data to a logger.
New macrosecuences were added:
~[su] or `[su] - to increase speed;
~[sd] or `[sd] - to decrease speed;
~[spNNN] or `[spNNN] - to set speed of NNN LPM;
~[ss] or `[ss] - to save current speed to memory;
~[sr] or `[sr] - to restore speed from memory.
Please, think twice before using this macrosequences!
It is too hard to receive morse code with variable speed usually.
Logger can set speed and inter-letter space via special messages now.
A bug was fixed. OnTop mode didnt work correctly after Edit Macros command executing.
The File > Open Capture File command opens capture-file for transmitted symbols. If file exist, new symbols are appended to it.
The File > Close Capture File command closes capture-file. Capture-file state is shown in status-line. Hotkey for capture on/off commands is Alt-L. The command line argument /c Filename can be used to open capture file at the program startup.
A bug was fixed. The DXSOFTEX.DLL was not included in the distributive.
A bug was fixed. ~[rx] , `[rx] and `[pa] macrosequences didnt work when User-defined Charset option was selected.
The Setup > Beacon Off At Paddle Press option was made.
CwType can get data from another software to transmit now. Data exchange can be made by DXSOFTEX.DLL library. See https://www.dxsoft.com/dxs-exch.zip for details.
A minor bug was fixed. The program did not restored saved speed when inter-letter space was not equal three.
The Setup > OnTop menu item is used in place of OnTop button now.
The Setup > Iambic Mode menu item is used in place of OnTop button now.
New Beacon button switch on beacon mode now. In this mode Alt-F12 macro is executed periodically. The period is defined by the regulator on the left of the Beacon button. The shortcuts for Beacon button are Alt-B and Ctrl-B. The macrosequences ~[bon] and `[bon] switch beacon mode on, the macrosequences ~[boff] and `[boff] switch beacon mode off.
The macrosequences ~[lsN] and `[lsN] can be used to select inter-letter space now. There N is desired space in dots.
User can select charset of transmitted symbols now.
User-defined charset can be used also (Setup > User-defined Charset).
In this case charset is defined by simple text file. See example in SAMPLE.CWT file.
When the TX On At Keyboard Press MOX option is enabled, a transmitter is switched on if at least two symbols were entered.
A bug in MOX option TX Off At N Dots Silence was fixed.
A bug in Edit Macros procedure was fixed.
A bug in driver installation procedure was fixed.
User can change number of macro buttons now. (Setup > One Macro Buttons Row,Setup > Two Macro Buttons Row, Setup > Three Macro Buttons Row.) Macro buttons labels are changed when Ctrl or Alt key is pressed now.
The program works on Windows NT/2000 without limitations now.
Inter-letter space can be vary now.
Speed value in status line is calculated with dash/dot ratio and inter-letter space consideration.
File > Send Text File command was added.
Minor bug with speed regulator was fixed.
Hotkeys for speed regulator were made (Alt-gray + or Ctrl-gray + and Alt-gray - or Ctrl-gray -).
More universal transceiver-interface control was made, so something parameters of INI-files were changed. Reread documentation, please!
You can use N6TR-interface now.
The program works on Windows NT/2000 now (with some limitations).
Esc, Ctrl-F1
Ctrl-F12, Alt-F1
Alt-F12 keystrokes are transferred to CwType now (for CwGet 1.10 and later).
There are 37 keyboard macros now. User can edit text on macros buttons via Setup > Edit Macros menu. Font parameters of that text can be changed via Setup > Macro Buttons Font Setup menu.
`[rx] macrosequence can be inserted by Alt-] or Ctrl-] keystroke now.
Bug in ~[fFileName] macros was fixed.
Once more hotkey for TX/RX was made (Scroll Lock). So screen buttons TX and Pause were swapped to accord to keyboard.
Data transfer from CwType to AALog logger (v1.03 or later) was made.
Data are transferred from Call, RST or Name edit field after exiting from it.
Data transfer from CwGet program into Call and Name edit fields was made.
Font parameters and background color of input window and sent symbol window can be changed.
Keyword Weighting in CWTYPE.INI file was implemented.
It is used to eliminate morse elements clipping by some transmitters with QSK.
Not only serial (COM), but parallel (LPT) port may be used for transceiver control now. See CWT-LPT.GIF for details.
User can vary speaker tone now (Keyword SpeakerTone in CWTYPE.INI file).
Keying speed can be varied in band of 1
6000 LPM.
MOX with a lot options was made (Setup > MOX On,Setup > MOX Setup >
Options Setup > Pause On At Paddle Press and Setup > Pause Off At TX Off were made.
Minor changes in program interface were made.
Minor modifications were made to improve cooperation with programs AALog and CwGet.