A special edition of AALog, optimized for the use in a lot of different contests. It can export file in Cabrillo, .SUM and .ALL files, ADIF. To use this program in CW and digital modes you need to use CwType and TrueTTY.
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10
The authors program overview
Contest module is a simple and fast program for contests. Here is a list of contests supported by AALog contest module:
- All Asian DX Contest;
- Anatolian ATA PSK31 Contest;
- Anatolian WW RTTY Contest;
- ARI International DX Contest;
- ARRL 10 meter Contest;
- ARRL 160 Meter Contest;
- ARRL International DX Contest;
- ARRL RTTY Round-Up Contest;
- CQ WW 160m DX contest;
- CQ WW DX Contest;
- CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest;
- CQ WW VHF Contest;
- CQ WW WPX Contest;
- CQ WW/RJ DX RTTY Contest
- CQ-M International DX Contest;
- Croatian CW Contest;
- Dutch PACC Contest;
- EA WW RTTY Contest;
- European HF Championship;
- Florida QSO Party;
- GACW CW DX Contest;
- Georgia QSO Party;
- HamSpirit contest;
- Helvetia contest;
- HOLYLAND DX Contest;
- Hungarian DX Contest;
- IARU HF World Championship;
- IARU Region 1 Fieldday;
- IOTA Contest;
- Japan International DX Contest;
- JARTS WW RTTY Contest;
- KCJ Contest;
- King of Spain Contest;
- LZ DX Contest;
- Michigan QSO Party;
- Oceania DX Contest;
- OK DX RTTY Contest;
- OK/OM DX Contest (CW);
- Old New Year Contest;
- RAC Canada Winter Contest;
- RCC contest;
- REF contest Non France station;
- RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest;
- Russian PSK DX Contest;
- Russian RTTY WW Contest;
- Russian DX contest;
- SARTG WW RTTY Contest;
- Scandinavian Activity contest
- SCC RTTY Championship;
- SP DX Contest;
- SP DX RTTY Contest;
- Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge;
- TOEC WW Grid Contest;
- UA2 QSO Party;
- UA3R Contest;
- UBA DX Contest;
- UBA Fieldday;
- Ukrainian DX Contest;
- UK DX Contest;
- Venezuelan Independence Contest;
- VOLTA RTTY WW Contest;
- WAE DX Contest;
- Worked All Germany Contest;
- WFF GreenDays;
- YO DX HF Contest;
- YU DX Contest;
- Short contests;
- Russian cups/championships.